The previous owners of the Boy Scouts’ Camp, Spring Gully, Bundeena who refused the offer from Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife to purchase the land.
Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife
The Foundation is a charitable organisation which raises funds to purchase land for conservation. The local community has partnered with the foundation to raise funds and purchase the Scout land on behalf of the community for it to be added to the Royal National Park.
Robyn Parker, Minister for the Environment, Minister for Heritage.
Robyn Parker is the minister responsible for the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
– electoral office
Lee Evans, MLA, Member for Heathcote
Lee Evans is our local member in the NSW Legislative Assembly. The NSW government are responsible for National Parks and Wildlife Service. The recently declared Dharawal National Park is also in the seat of Heathcote.
National Parks and Wildlife Service
The NPWS manage national parks within NSW.
National Parks Association
National Parks Association of NSW is a non-government conservation group that seeks to protect, connect and restore the integrity and diversity of natural systems in NSW and beyond, through national parks, marine sanctuaries and other means.
– Southern Sydney Branch
Friends of the Royal
Connecting people with the Park through education, voluntary activities and philanthropy.
Better Planning Network
The Better Planning Network is a volunteer-based organisation formed by community groups concerned about the NSW Government’s planning reforms. We believe that the Government’s proposals are developer-driven and will reduce community wellbeing, residential amenity, environmental and heritage protection across NSW. The Spring Gully Protection Group is an affiliated organisation.
Sutherland Environment Centre
A local organisation which works to conserve the environment of the Sutherland Shire and associated bio-regions,by supporting members and local community organisations in their efforts to protect and improve their local areas.
Les Bursill (OAM)
Les is a Dharawal historian, archaeologist, anthropologist and author who has a rich understanding of Dharawal heritage and knowledge of the many aboriginal sites in Spring Gully, the Bundeena area, the Royal National Park and beyond.